PhotoImpact 4.2 upgrade and patch

If you purchased the February issue of PC World and installed the full version of PhotoImpact 4, you may want to apply the 4.2 upgrade patch. It will provide enhanced support for Windows 98 and NT (no mention of Windows 2000) and improve graphics under the Windows 98 system level colour management ICM 2.0. There is also additional support for acquiring 36-bit true colour and 16-bit greyscale images, while the colour replacement pen can now selectively replace one colour with another. User-defined guidelines and grids will also help users improve alignment of objects.

While not a significant patch, it would seem that it is most relevant to users of Windows 98. The file is a little hard to find on the Ulead Web site (try You can also dig around the ftp server (, or save yourself the 11MB download and install it from the cover CD.


These two patches are both available on this month's cover CD.

Category:Bugs & Fixes
Issue: May 2000

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