Home-made spam filter

Here's a great way to filter out junk e-mail, suggested by PC World reader Anthony Ferrer.

Since most spammers send their messages to mailing lists, just set your mail client to reject any message not intended for you personally. In Messenger 4.x, press <Ctrl>-<Shift>-1 to go to Message Center, and select Edit-Message Filters. Name the filter, and then click the down arrow next to all fields in the next line to create an expression that reads something like: "the TO of the message doesn't contain address@yourISP.com.au"

Caption: Tell Netscape Messenger to discard or file away any incoming message that isn't intended for you personally

In Eudora (version 3 or higher), select Tools-Filters and click next to Incoming. Under Header, select To. Then, in the next line, select Doesn't Contain, and type your e-mail address. Under Action, select Transfer. Click the box to the right of that field and select the mailbox where you want junk mail to be deposited while it awaits future perusal (or deletion).

Outlook Express lacks an option for creating this filter.


û Judy Heim

Issue: March 1999

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