Remove items from letter wizard lists

Q I recently wrote a business letter in Word 97, using the Letter Wizard for the first time. Under the Other Elements tab, I checked the References Line box and typed in my reference number. Now that number permanently appears in the Reference Line pull-down menu. How can I delete this number?

û Sheldon Friederich

A This is a flaw in Letter Wizard. If you type new text in any of the lists that appear under the Other Elements tab, your addition becomes a permanent part of the wizard. Fortunately, you can easily clear unintended entries, which, oddly enough, Word stores as AutoText. To remove an entry, select Tools-AutoCorrect, and click the AutoText tab. Scroll down the list of AutoText entries until you find the item you unwittingly inserted into the Letter Wizard. Select it, click Delete, and then choose OK. It'll be gone the next time you use the Letter Wizard.

Caption: The Letter Wizard in Word 97 is simply a collection of AutoText entries


û George Campbell

Category:word processing
Issue: March 1999

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