Pick your default template

Users who need to work from a specific template in Word (other than the default one) often use the File-New command right after launching Word to start a new document and pick a template. But if you almost always use a particular template, why not make it the default and save yourself a few keystrokes? Here's how to substitute another template for the default normal.dot template:

1. Exit all open copies of Word.

2. Use File Manager (in Windows 3.1) or Explorer (in Windows 9x) to find the version of normal.dot that goes with your version of Word. Can't locate it? Select Tools-Find-Files or Folders or use File Manager's File-Search command, and search for normal.dot.

3. Select normal.dot from the choices in the file list; then select File-Rename and type default.dot. Next, press <Enter>. In Explorer, right-click the file and select Rename. This step will preserve the original file in case of a mishap.

4. Locate and select the file you want to use as the new default template.

5. Select File-Rename and type normal.dot.

From now on, Word will automatically load the new normal.dot template at launch. Whenever you want to use the plain old template, simply select File-New and choose the default.dot template that you created earlier.

If you run Word in a networked environment, consult your IS department before making any changes.


û George Campbell

Category:word processing
Issue: March 1999

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