Fix Caps Lock errors

Word 6 through 2000: You're typing away with your head down, and then you look at the screen and see that you have accidentally hit the <Caps Lock> key, so all your text is now in the wrong case. Although Word normally fixes case errors automatically, many users turn off this "autocorrect" feature. You could go back and retype the selection, but that's a waste of time. To fix the problem fast, select all the text with the wrong capitalisation and then press <Shift> <F3> up to three times to cycle through the various case change options (initial caps, all lower case, and so on). Alternately, you can select Format*Change Case, choose tOGGLE cASE in the Change Case dialogue box, and confirm it by clicking OK. Hint: Want to solve the problem forever? Select Tools*AutoCorrect, and mark Correct accidental usage of cAPS LOCK key under the AutoCorrect tab, then click OK.

WordPerfect 8: By default, WordPerfect 8 will automatically correct Caps Lock errors as you type them. But if, for some reason, WordPerfect stops doing this for you, select Tools*QuickCorrect, and under the Format-As-You-Go tab mark the CapsFix option to correct the problem.

Category:Word processing
Issue: March 2000

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