Create customised calendars

Need a calendar for your wall? You don't have to buy one. Word can create one for you with its Calendar Wizard. Word 6 and 7 install this wizard with the default installation, so it's ready for use. Word 97 doesn't automatically install this file, but it's on your Office 97 CD, in the \valupack\template\word folder. Copy the file calendar.wiz to the \msoffice\templates folder on your system (it might be under \Program Files). If you are connected to the Internet, you can select Help-Microsoft on the Web-Free Stuff menu and download the Calendar Wizard at no charge, after registering on the site. Save the download into your msoffice\templates folder.

Caption: Use WordÆs calendar wizard to create customised calendars

Once you have the file on your hard disk, you can create monthly calendars in several styles. Select File-New, then select the Calendar Wizard, which should appear under the General or Other Documents tab.

Follow the instructions in the wizard to choose from the available styles and to select the months that you want the calendar to cover. You can even insert a placeholder for a graphic. And if you're not happy with the results, you can edit them easily ù the calendar itself is a standard Word table.

- George Campbell

Category: word processing
Issue: June 1999

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