Set up automatic captioning

All versions of Word from 6.0 on can automatically insert a numbered caption line whenever you insert a graphical element, table, equation, or almost any other object in your document. But this feature is turned off by default. Here's how to turn the feature on and make it work the way you want:

1. Select Insert-Caption, then click AutoCaption in the Caption dialogue box.

2. In the AutoCaption dialogue box, click and mark an item in the list for which you want automatic captions. You'll see Word's default label for that item in the Use Label field and the default position for the item in the Position field.

3. To change the default label, click New Label, then type the desired text in the New Label dialogue box and click OK.

4. To change the default position for captions for this type of object, move the pointer down the list and choose the position you prefer.

5. To change the automatic numbering scheme, click Numbering and select options in the Caption Numbering dialogue box.

6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for all object types you want captioned.

Note: once Word inserts an automatic caption for an inserted object, you can add to the label by typing your own text in the document window.

- George Campbell

Category: word processing
Issue: June 1999

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