Image Is Everything

Here are a few common graphics-related problems together with some suggestions for fixing them.

Partially printed page: You probably need to add memory.

Offset margins or odd alignment: On your printer's Paper tab, check the Unprintable Area settings. Printing too large an image for the printer's parameters can alter margins and spacing.

Uneven print density across the page: Your toner level may be low. Take the toner cartridge out and tilt it gently back and forth to redistribute the remaining toner.

Dark background/echoed images: The printer is depositing excess toner. Lower the print density setting on the external control panel or inside the unit.

Light or grey print overall: Your printer's photoreceptor may be wearing out. To correct this temporarily, increase the print density setting. Eventually, you'll have to replace the photoreceptor, which on many budget and mid-range laser printers means replacing the toner cartridge.

All-white pages: The printer's transfer corona wire may be broken. This problem requires professional service.

All-black pages: The charger corona wire (usually located in the toner cartridge) isn't working correctly.

Remove the toner cartridge to clear the electrical contacts, then reinsert it. If that doesn't work, install a new cartridge.

Issue: July 2000

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