Randomise Windows' startup sound

Q Is there a program that will play a different sound each time you load Windows?

- Robert Hilan

A Although Windows lets you assign sounds to various program events, such as closing a program, exiting or starting Windows, and emptying the Recycle Bin, it does not give you the option to play a random sound for each of those events. However, there are several shareware programs that will let you overcome this shortcoming. For complete control over your PC's sounds, check out Sound Shuffler

(ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mboyers/sndshf.htm), Random Event Sounds (www.ztecsoftware.com/random/) or Soundscape (www.geocities.com/CollegePark/2231/soundscape.html). All these programs are included on this month's CD1.

- Belinda Taylor

Issue: July 1999

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