Start-up switches for Word 6, 7, and 97

You can begin working faster by customising the way Word starts up when you click a desktop Shortcut or select Word from the Start menu. Here's how to use start-up switches:

Right-click the desktop Shortcut you use to start Word, and click Properties. Or right-click the taskbar and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Click the Start Menu Programs tab, then click Advanced. Locate the Microsoft Word entry, then right-click it and click Properties. Click the Shortcut tab in the Microsoft Word Properties dialogue box.

Finally, using the table as your guide, type a switch after the existing entry in the Target field of the dialogue box. Be sure to type a space before the switch (that is, before the slash).

Caption: Edit Word's command line in this dialogue box's
Target field to alter its start-up

To start Word this way...

... add this switch

Start and prevent all add-ins and global templates from loading


Start and prevent any AutoExec macros from running


Run a particular macro at start-up

/m macroname

Start with no document loaded



- George Campbell

Category:word processing
Issue: July 1999

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