Control Word 2000 menus

The new personalised menus in Word 2000 are pretty cool. They remember which commands you've used and show only those you use the most, plus the basic ones. Seldom-used commands are left unseen unless you click an expander at the bottom of each menu.

Caption: Disable the dynamic expansion of Word 2000's personalised menus

Unfortunately, if you open a menu by clicking its name, then take a few seconds to decide which command you want to use, Word suddenly displays all the menu commands. Here's how to turn off that automatic expansion:

1. Select Tools-Customize.

2. Click the Options tab in the Customize dialogue box.

3. Click Show full menus after a short delay to disable the option.

4. Click Close, and you're done.

- George Campbell

Category:word processing
Issue: July 1999

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