Why can't I explore from the Start button?

Q After my upgrade to Windows 98, right-clicking the Start button gives me greyed-out Explore and Open options, robbing me of the easiest and most convenient ways to edit the Start menu. How do I get them back?

- Sam Wood

A For reasons that may forever remain buried deep within Microsoft, Windows 98 turns off these options if you've used Tweak UI (a free Microsoft download) to hide drives from the My Computer window. Windows 95 does no such thing. Consequently, if you hide drives in Windows 95 and then upgrade to Windows 98, those options are suddenly gone.

The easiest way to fix the problem is to use Tweak UI to show the hidden drives. But use the version of Tweak UI in the \tools\reskit\powertoy folder of the Windows 98 CD-ROM. To install it, right-click tweakui.inf and select Install.

Once you've installed the program, select Start-Settings-Control Panel and double-click Tweak UI. Then click the My Computer tab. Scroll through the list of drives, checking any that are currently unchecked. Don't worry ù Windows will still display only the drives you actually have. When you're finished, click Close and reboot your computer.

- Lincoln Spector

Issue: July 1999

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