Sharing apps on one PC

Q We have four people using one Windows 98 PC. How can we share one program without installing it four times, once for each user's environment?

- Andy Scott

A Usually, copying the Shortcuts from one PCs Start menu to another's will let both PCs use the same program.

To access an app installed by someone else, select Start-Programs-Windows Explorer, and go to C:\Windows\Profiles\firstuser\Start Menu, where firstuser is the user name of the person who installed the app first. Navigate through the subfolders until you find the Shortcut or folder you want. Drag the item to your Start button and hold it over the button until the Start menu pops up. Drop the item into the menu at the desired location.

If you're using Win 95 without Active Desktop, right-click Start and select Explore to go to your own Start Menu folder, probably C:\Windows\Profiles\yourname\Start Menu. Select Start-Programs-Windows Explorer, and navigate through the subfolders until you find the Shortcut or folder you want. Press <Ctrl> as you drag the item to the Explorer window displaying your own Start Menu folder.

- Lincoln Spector

Issue: July 1999

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