Text-Delete Shortcuts

All of us make mistakes, and most of us at least occasionally try to correct them. But many Word users backspace over errors or press the <Delete> key multiple times. There are some far better ways to correct your errors, however.

To delete the word to the left of the insertion point in a document, press <Ctrl>-<Backspace>. Delete the word to the right of the insertion point by pressing <Ctrl>-<Delete>. Repeat the keystrokes to delete more words.

To delete from the insertion point to the end of the current line, press <Shift>-<End>, then <Delete>. To delete to the beginning of the current line, press <Shift>-<Home>, then <Delete>.

To delete an entire sentence, <Alt>-click anywhere in the sentence, then press <Delete>. To delete a paragraph, triple-click in the paragraph, then press <Delete>. And to delete a block of text, click at the beginning of the text, <Shift>-click at the end of the text, and press <Delete>. This is faster and more precise than dragging over the text.


Category:Word Processing
Issue: January 2001

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