Correct errors in custom spelling dictionaries

It happens all too often: During a spelling check, you accidentally click the Add command on a misspelled word. Your word processor dutifully adds the error to its custom dictionary. From then on, the spelling checker ignores that misspelling. You can, however, correct such errors in your program's dictionary.

WORD 7 û WORD 2000. Select Tools-Options, then click the Spelling or Spelling and Grammar tab in the Options dialog box. Click the Dictionaries or Custom Dictionaries button. Choose CUSTOM.DIC from the Custom Dictionaries list, then click Edit (see FIGURE 1). Once Word opens the dictionary, locate and delete the entire line containing the misspelled word or words, then select File-Close and click Yes when prompted to save the file.

WORDPERFECT 8: Select Tools-Spell Check, and click No if asked to close the Spell Checker. Click Options in the spell check dialog box and select User Word Lists from the pop-up menu. In the resulting dialog box, choose Wt80us.uwl from the Word Lists list. Locate the misspelled word in the "Word list contents" list, then select it and click Delete entry (see FIGURE 2). Hint: You can jump to a word by clicking any entry in the list and then beginning to type the word you want. After deleting all erroneous entries, click Close in both dialog boxes to return to the document.

Category:Word Processing
Issue: January 2000

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