Print Web Pages

Frustrated by your browser's inability to print URLs? Wish your browser would refrain from printing a Web site's background images? Here's how to customize what -- and how -- your Web browser prints.

NAVIGATOR 4.5. From the File menu, select Page Setup and specify in the dialog box whether you want your browser to print backgrounds, Web page titles, URLs, page numbers, and other elements.

INTERNET EXPLORER 5. To get rid of background colors and images, select Tools-Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab, and scroll down to the Printing section. Remove the check beside Print background colors and images. Click OK. To set other options, select File-Page Setup (see FIGURE 2). Under the Header and Footer lines, you can add any of the variables shown in FIGURE 3 to get IE to print URLs, Web page titles, the date, the time, and the number of pages.

Issue: January 2000

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