When mail imports go awry

Q Could you please tell me how to import e-mail messages into Outlook Express from Outlook 97? When I use Import on the File menu and then choose Outlook it gives the error message: "Messages cannot be imported from the MAPI client. No profiles are configured on this machine." I have searched through the help screens on "profiles", "MAPI" and everything else I can think of to no avail!

û Vin Edwards

A This problem can arise when Outlook Express is configured to be the default simple MAPI (Message Application Programming Interface) client. This probably occurred when Outlook Express was installed. To be able to import messages from your previous version of Outlook you need to change this setting in Outlook Express.

Open up Outlook express. Go to the Tools menu and choose Options. Make sure the Make Outlook Express my default Simple MAPI client check box is unchecked. Then click the Apply button. A dialogue box will say that you need to restart the computer for changes to take effect. Quit Outlook Express and restart your computer. You should now be able to import messages.

Caption: Some import problems can be overcome by configuring Outlook Express as the default simple MAPI client

When you have finished importing you should configure Outlook Express to be the default MAPI client again.

û Roy Chambers

Category:communications, internet
Issue: February 1999

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