Manage numbered lists in Word

When you copy part of a numbered list in Word 7 or 97 and paste it into a new document, Word automatically renumbers the first line with a 1. To preserve the original numbering sequence of the text, follow these steps:

1. Click anywhere within the first numbered line.

2. Select FormatûBullets and Numbering.

3. In the Bullets and Numbering dialogue box, first click the Numbered tab and then click either Customize (in Version 97) or Modify (in Version 7).

4. In the Customize or Modify Numbered List dialogue box, change the value in the Start at field to the starting number you want, and click OK.

Hint: You can also employ this technique when working with any numbered list, to change the starting number or to change numbering in midlist.

û George Campbell

Category:word processing
Issue: February 1999

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