Overcome Halted Defrags

If your system has problems running ScanDisk and Defrag, try these fixes:

Wait longer. Disk Defragmenter appears to freeze at the 10 per cent mark. Actually, it's just figuring out how to organise your files and will start actively running again in a few minutes.

Scan the disk. If Defrag repeatedly dies on you, run ScanDisk: Select Start*Programs*Accessories*System Tools*ScanDisk. Make sure the Thorough option is checked before you click Start. If ScanDisk can't finish its job either, exit Windows and try the DOS version: Select Start*Shut Down*Restart in MS-DOS mode. At the DOS prompt, type scandisk and press <Enter>.

Close all your programs. You should have nothing else running when you perform a disk scan or defrag. After you exit from all your applications, press <Control>-<Alt>-<Delete> to bring up the Close Program window. Close every item listed -- except Explorer and Systray -- by highlighting each item and clicking End Task.

Turn off your screen saver. Right-click the desktop and select Properties. Click the Screen Saver tab. For your screen saver, select (None), then click OK.

Clear out your hard drive. The more space you leave, the easier it is for these utilities to do their work. Empty your browser's cache and history folders. Delete all the .tmp and .chk files you can find. (Not sure where they are? Run the Find utility from the Start menu.) Uninstall any program you never intend to use. Finally, when you've deleted all these superfluous files, don't forget to empty the Recycle Bin.

-- Lincoln Spector

Category:Windows 9x
Issue: February 2000

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