CDDB players can name that tune

Q How can I view the album title and artist name while playing a CD in CD Player? I used to be able to see that information all the time, but now I can't, following a recent hard disk crash.

- Riaz Fancy

A First, try choosing View-Disk/Track Info. If your disk crash also destroyed the cdplayer.ini file in your Windows folder, you may find that you've lost the list of titles and artists you had hoped to see. Instead of retyping all that information, why not switch to a CD player that supplies it to you via the Internet? With many of these utilities, you simply connect to the Internet, pop in a CD, and wait a bit while the player retrieves the artist name, album title, and track information of your CD from a vast database of audio CDs called the CDDB. If your musical tastes aren't too esoteric, you may never again have to enter the names of titles and artists. You can find shareware and freeware CDDB players at, and you can read more about CDDB at Interested in test-driving a program that offers lots of customisation options? Then try CD Valet, which you can find on this monthÆs CD.

- Scott Dunn

Category:Windows 9x
Issue: December 1999

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