Get more zoom for your buck

If you feel nervous about using Microsoft PowerToys' QuickRes (which was designed for Win 95, not 98) to change screen resolution in Windows 98, stop worrying: You don't need this utility because Microsoft has built the same feature into Windows 98, though it's a little tricky to find. Fortunately, reader Bill Brodnick has clued us in. Right-click the desktop and choose Properties. Click the Settings tab and then the Advanced button. Check the box for Show settings icon on task bar. Then click OK twice. The QuickRes icon will appear in the tray area of the taskbar (near the clock).

Bill also passed along another zooming tip. If you use the Microsoft Mouse with its infamous scrolling wheel, you can zoom screen size in and out in Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, or (to a lesser extent) Microsoft Excel by holding down the <Ctrl> key as you rotate the mouse wheel.

- Scott Dunn

Caption: Adding the quickres menu icon to your taskbar is easy--once you know where to look.

Category:Windows 9x
Issue: December 1999

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