Save envelope address styles in Word

Q I would like to know how to get Word 97 to save changes to my envelope font size. I go to Tools-Envelopes and Labels-Options-Font, I change to the selected font, click on Default and answer the question about this change relating to all addresses for documents using the Normal template, but the change is never saved.

Also, is there any way I can make the font larger for the company name than the street address?

- Kristina Williams

A This problem occurs because of the way Word is designed. Any changes you make to the default envelope attributes in the Envelopes and Labels dialogue box will only apply to the current envelope, and won't be saved for use with future envelopes. However, you can make permanent changes to the font attributes by editing the Envelope Address style and the Envelope Return style. This workaround retains any font attributes and positioning you select, but it won't save any changes you make to the language formatting, borders, bullets, numbering or frame attributes of an envelope.

Choose Tools-Envelopes and Labels, select the Envelopes tab, and click on the Options button. If necessary, use the From Left and From Top options to position the return address and the delivery address. Click on the Font buttons to select the font type and point size, and then click the OK button. Press OK to return to the Envelopes and Labels dialogue box, and click the Add To Document button.

Next, choose Format-Style, click the Organizer button, and select the Styles tab. The left window should display the styles for the current document, and the right window should display the styles available in the template. If not, choose from the Styles Available In list. In the left window select the Envelope Address style and click the Copy button. If Word asks if you want to overwrite the existing style entry called Envelope Address, click Yes. In the left window select the Envelope Return style and click the Copy button. If Word asks if you want to replace the existing style entry called Envelope Return, click Yes again. Finally, click the Close button, and your changes will be available for future use.

Caption: Use Word's Organizer dialogue box to save customised address styles to the Normal template

To use a larger font for a company name in an address, you will need to print an address label instead of printing directly on an envelope, as there are more font-formatting options available for labels. Select Tools-Envelopes and Labels, and click the Labels tab. Type in the address, then highlight the company name, right-click in the Address box, and select Font from the pop-up menu. Set the font attributes, click the OK button and close the Envelopes and Labels dialogue box. When you print the labels the company name will have the formatting you applied to it.

- Belinda Taylor

Category:word processing
Issue: December 1998

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