Create fancy monograms for logos in Word

Are you ready to get fancy with your letterhead? In the November issue, we discussed how to create monograms for your initials, company logo, or other graphical elements in WordPerfect by printing one letter on top of another. You can perform similar tricks in Word, with even more flexibility. Here's how to create large monograms using two or more letters in Word 7 and 97:

1. Type the desired characters on a separate line, with no intervening spaces, and then select the characters. Make sure you don't select any surrounding spaces.

2. Choose a font and a point size for your monogram. This technique usually works best with font sizes that are 36 points or larger.

3. Select Format-Font, then click the Character Spacing tab in the Font dialogue box.

4. Choose Condensed from the Spacing list, and enter your font size in the By box to the right. Select Condensed again in the Spacing list to display your selection in the Preview window.

Caption: Word's Character Spacing tool helps you create fancy monograms

5. If you wish, click the Font tab in the dialogue box and choose a colour for the monogram text, or experiment with other formatting attributes, watching the Preview window to see the results.

6. Click OK to apply the new formatting.

- George Campbell

Category:word processing
Issue: December 1998

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