Stylish reformats

To preview the effects of different styles on an existing Word document, you need Word's Style Gallery. Unlike simple text formatting, Style Gallery lets you preview the ways different formatting alternatives would make your letter, memo, or resume look, based on Word's built-in templates. Here's how it works:
1. Open a document in Word, and select Format-Style Gallery.
2. Click the Document option button, and choose a template from those in the Template list. The preview window will show your document as it would appear if you adopted that template.
3. When you've found the style you like, click OK to apply that look to your document and return to the editing window.
Hint: you can use Style Gallery before creating a document, selecting the Example or Style Samples options to get an idea of what a document in that style looks like. Click OK to attach the desired template and create the document using that template's styles.

- George Campbell

Category:word processing
Issue: April 1999

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