Office 97 Service Release 2 ù mystery fix

Office 97 debuted with its own share of snafus and incompatibilities, and Microsoft fixed many of them with Service Release 1. Now The Vendor has plans for Service Release 2, due to be posted sometime this winter (you'll find a link at Unlike many product updates, the Office 97 Service Releases aren't cumulative ù to install SR2, you must first download and install SR1.

As we went to press, Microsoft couldn't tell us exactly what fixes SR2 would contain, other than an updated version of an Excel recalculation patch, and a PowerPoint patch that solves an obscure-sounding year 2000 flaw. Once released, Office 97 SR2 will update any Office 97 edition or stand-alone application. In the meantime, you can download the patches for Excel ( and PowerPoint (

Bugs and Fixes readers continue to send in reports of irritating Office 97 glitches. At last check, Microsoft's own online KnowledgeBase listed 200 known Office 97 bugs, some stemming from the Service Release 1 update.

û Scott Spanbauer

Category:Bugs and fixes
Issue: August 1998

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