All Microsoft, all of the time

Normally, this section covers product updates from any and all companies, with frequent appearances by Microsoft. But this month, The Vendor takes centre stage. With Windows 98 upon us, and the next version of Office ù and Gates only knows what else ù just around the corner, Microsoft is taking this opportunity to fix current versions of some of its flagship products while any of us still care. As usual, it's difficult to know precisely which bugs these (mostly forthcoming) updates will fix, and equally tough to gauge how important the fixes will turn out to be. Here's what we know so far.

It's still a patch: IE 4.0 Service Pack 1

When last we left our story, Microsoft had updated the notably buggy initial release of Internet Explorer 4.0. According to Microsoft, the 4.01 upgrade fixed several of IE 4.0's most severe problems, but the company would release neither a complete list of the known bugs in IE 4.0, nor the fixes included in IE 4.01. I don't know about you, but this left me to assume that IE 4.01 might soon be followed by an IE 4.02 with even more fixes.

But Microsoft is planning instead to post IE 4.0 Service Pack 1 to its Web site to smooth some of IE 4.01's roughest spots ù that's right, it installs only over IE 4.01. According to Microsoft, Service Packs are different from version number upgrades. Service Packs don't include new features and aren't "must-haves", unless a Microsoft technical support person, Web page, or program installation routine tells you otherwise. Whatever you say, guys. SP1 includes repairs that many frustrated IE 4.0 users will consider essential, and it should be available as you read this.

Service Pack 1 fixes Outlook Express's tendency to crash when your modem connection cuts out, and may correct its Open in New Window option, which stubbornly opens links in the same old window. SP1 also resolves incompatibilities with specific Web sites, post-IE 4.01 security problems, and several annoying year 2000 bugs. The easiest way to download and install SP1 is to launch IE4 or 4.01 and choose HelpûProduct Updates, or point your browser to

û Scott Spanbauer

Category:Bugs and fixes
Issue: August 1998

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