Moving Web Favorites

Q I recently bought a new computer and would like to move (via floppy disk) all my favorite sites to the new unit. How do I go about doing this?

û John Pilger

Q Your use of the word "favorite" suggests that you use Internet Explorer and want to move the Shortcuts on the Favorites menu to your new computer. Just to be safe, though, I'll explain how to do this in IE, in Netscape Navigator, and in Netscape Communicator.

In Internet Explorer, each site listed on the menu represents an individual shortcut file in your Favorites folder, which is probably ù but not necessarily ù C:\Windows\ Favorites. The Favorites submenus are folders within the Favorites folder containing more Shortcuts. To move the information to another computer, just copy this folder.

Put a freshly formatted floppy in drive A:. In Explorer, go to your Favorites folder. Press <Ctrl>-A to select all the files and subfolders; then right-click the highlighted multitude and select Send Toû3╜ Floppy (A) from the resulting menu.

When the copying is done, bring the floppy to your new PC. If you haven't already installed Internet Explorer onto the new system, do so now. To complete this process, copy the contents of the floppy into the new PC's Favorites folder.

If you use Netscape Navigator or Communicator, all your Bookmarks are contained in a file called bookmark.htm. That file's location varies in different versions of the program, but it is usually somewhere inside C:\Program Files\Netscape. Simply copy that bookmark.htm file over the one the Netscape installation program put onto your new computer.

û Lincoln Spector

Issue: June 1998

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