Tell Internet Explorer 4.0 to get out of your face

Q While I was installing Internet Explorer 4.0, it asked me if it could modify my Windows 95 desktop. Like a fool, I clicked Yes. Now my desktop is filled with weird gizmos, logos and Microsoft symbols. How do I get my old desktop back?

û Richard Tangard

A It takes a lot of cheek for a browser to rearrange your desktop, but fortunately you can repair the damage. To get your desktop back under control, select StartûSettingsûControl Panel and double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon. Scroll through the list on the Install/Uninstall tab to find the Microsoft Internet Explorer desktop, highlight it and click the Add/Remove button as fast as you can.

You can also restore some settings by selecting StartûSettingsûActive DesktopûCustomize my Desktop, then clicking through the tabs. Under the Web tab is a setting, View My Active Desktop as a Web Page, that inflicts its own special tortures. Unclick it. Be sure to click the Apply button when you're done.

û Judy Heim

Category: Internet
Issue: May 1998

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