Missing clip art

Q When I use the InsertûPicture option within Word 97, I only get the From File option (plus Auto shapes, WordArt, From Scanner and Chart options). Shouldn't there be a Clip Art option as well? I have uninstalled and reûinstalled the Clip Art Gallery Options but with no change. Is there some Registry element that needs a manual adjustment?

û Steve Helbig

A If you want a Clipart option in the InsertûPicture menu in Word 97 you can have one, and you should be able to make it available without editing the Registry. The problem youÆve described is possibly related to the way in which Office 97 or Word 97 was installed on your computer. The Office 97 setup program offers three types of installation: Typical, Custom, and Run from CD-ROM. If you chose either the Run from CD-ROM option, or the Custom option with the Clipart and Popular Clipart boxes unchecked, then the clipart files were not installed and will be missing from the InsertûPicture menu. To install the Popular Clipart files and the Clipart Gallery, quit Office, choose StartûSettingsûControl Panel, doubleûclick Add/Remove Programs and click the Install/Uninstall tab. From the list of installed software, choose Microsoft Word 97, and click Add/Remove. Wait for the Setup program to start and insert any CDs or disks as necessary, and then click Add/Remove. Select Office Tools, click the Change Option button, choose Popular Clipart and Clipart Gallery, and click OK, followed by Continue. Complete the installation by following the instructions in the Setup program. The next time you start Word 97, Clipart should appear in the InsertûPicture menu.

û Belinda Taylor

Category: word processing
Issue: May 1998

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