Customise Word 97's toolbars

Q One of our staff members has lost her default Word 7 toolbar. ItÆs hidden somewhere and I would be grateful if you could provide us with some tips. We are using Windows 95 and Office 95.

û Len Peris

A As you say, the toolbar is probably hidden rather than lost and gone forever. In Word, it is suprisingly easy to hide a toolbar simply by right-clicking on any visible toolbar. When you do this, a menu of existing toolbars appears with checkmarks next to the currently active ones. Selecting an active toolbar from the menu makes it inactive and hides it from view.

There are two ways to display a hidden toolbar. You can right-click on a visible toolbar and ù from the menu that appears ù select the name of the toolbar that you want to display. Or alternatively, you can select ViewûToolbars from WordÆs menus. In the dialogue box that opens, all currently visible toolbars will be ticked. Click the box next to the toolbar you want to display, click the OK button, and wait for the toolbar to pop up at the top of your screen. My guess is that you will probably want to display both the Standard toolbar and the Formatting toolbar, as they provide buttons for most of the commonly performed tasks in Word.

û Belinda Taylor

Category:Word processing
Issue: July 1998

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