Page 10 of 2?

Q I hope you can help, as waiting for Microsoft to respond, well...

Trying to get Word 97 to number pages by using either AutoText or by inserting fields results in the numbering reversing ("Page 2 of 10" becomes "Page 10 of 2"). I have even tried reversing the fields in the hope that Word would switch them back. Alas, no luck. I have also installed the Office 97 service release. This problem has been duplicated on at least 4 machines and all have been checked for viruses. This feature worked very well in Word 6 but appears to be buggy in 97. I hope you can find a cure.

û Eric Lamb

A In Word, page numbers formatted as "Page X of Y" are generated by combining text with two Document Information fields. They are usually represented in the header or footer of a document by the code: Page {PAGE} of {NUMPAGES}. You can add this code to a header or footer manually, or by using Word's predefined AutoText entry. Either way, the {PAGE} field keeps track of the current page number, while the {NUMPAGES} field calculates the total number of pages in your document. To see the field codes behind your page numbers, switch to the Page Layout view and press <Alt>-<F9>. Press <Alt>-<F9> again to hide the field codes.


Caption: Press <Alt>-<F9> to reveal field codes in Word documents


The problem you've experienced is caused by a bug in Word 97 which prevents the NumPages field from updating itself as you add or delete pages. Currently there is no permanent fix for this bug, but Microsoft has suggested at least three ways to get around it.

The easiest way to force Word to update the NumPages field is to print your document. Another way is to change document views by selecting ViewûNormal, then ViewûPage Layout. A third option is to update the NumPages field manually. To do this, choose ViewûHeader and Footer, select the page numbers with your mouse, and press <F9>. Each time you use one of these workarounds, the page numbers should display correctly until another page is added or deleted. You might consider waiting until your document is complete before applying them.

û Belinda Taylor

Category:word processing
Issue: June 1998

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