The IBM/Cyrix relationship

Q Lately I have been searching around for my next PC upgrade specification. For the work that I do I have decided to go for a Cyrix 6x86 PR200 or PR233. However, I have discovered some abnormalities when shopping around at Melbourne swap meets for pricing. These concern the Cyrix 6x86 Socket 7 processor.

I have seen articles in PC World that refer to the Cyrix 6x86 PR200MX as having a bus speed of 75MHz. But looking around at the swap meets, most of the 6x86 processors I find are IBM, and all the 6x86 PR200MX chips have 66MHz printed on them. Why is that, if they are supposed to have a bus speed of 75MHz? Are there other PR200MXs around ù grey products that are actually sold as 66MHz instead of 75MHz? Vendors are apparently charging an extra $100 for a Cyrix 6x86 over the same PR-rated IBM CPU. I find this very confusing.

û Bernie Chen

A IBM is working in partnership with Cyrix to produce the 6x86 processor. Cyrix designs the processor and IBM manufactures it. They are then tested and packaged separately by both companies who label the processor accordingly. But the processors are identical in design. Differences may exist in the quality of testing, but this should be high in both cases.

The reason why you have two different PR200MX processors is the Pentium Rating (see The IBM/Cyrix relationship above). The PR number is different from the actual clock speed of the processor. The confusion stems from the fact that there are two IBM/Cyrix processors with the PR number 200. One has a clock speed of 150MHz and bus speed of 75MHz, and one has a clock speed of 166MHz and a bus speed of 66MHz. Despite different processor speeds, both processors will run programs at roughly the same speed. However, the 75MHz bus speed means that the processor can talk to external memory more quickly than the 66MHz processor.


Part No.

Performance Rating

Available Bus/Clock
Options (MHz)



66/133 or 60/150



75/150 or 66/166







Caption: IBM/Cyrix performance specifications


From this point of view, 75MHz bus speed is probably better, but it may not be worth the extra $100 that you say they are charging. Please see the table for a list of available IBM/Cyrix processors, their PR numbers and their clock and bus speeds.

û Roy Chambers

Issue: July 1998

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