File associations

Q I have an IBM Aptiva running on Windows 95 with MS Office 97. When my files are opened through Word 97, everything appears to be normal, and all the words are legible. But when I try to open them through the Windows Explorer, all my Word files open up as WordPad files with corrupted wingdings, small random boxes and occasionally some legible words. Some time ago, I fiddled with the settings whereby a screen came up with an "open this file with" option. I must have upset some default settings and I am not sure how to get them back. I hope you are able to help.

û Willie Chang

A In Windows 95 each different file type, identified by its extension, can be linked to a program that will open it. Many of these associations are automatic, but you can create your own links, or edit existing ones. The main advantage of file associations is that you can double-click on a particular type of file in Windows Explorer or My Computer, and Windows 95 will launch an appropriate program and load the file.

Normally, files are automatically associated with the program that created them, so Word 97 documents, for example, should open in Microsoft Word 97. However, if you double-click on a Word 97 document in Windows Explorer and WordPad starts, it's possible that Windows 95 is associating your Word 97 files with WordPad rather than Word. Since WordPad can't read Word 97 files, all you will see is gibberish when the file opens. The problem may be fixed by editing the file associations for Word 97 documents. HereÆs how to do it.

Open My Computer or Windows Explorer, select ViewûOptions, and click on the File Types tab. From the list of Registered File Types, select Microsoft Word Document. The File Type Details box will display the current settings for this type of file. Click Edit, and in the Actions box, click Open. Then click Edit, and in the Editing Action box, click Browse. When the Open With box appears, navigate to the directory which contains Microsoft Word 97, and select winword.exe. Click the Open button, followed by Close. Finally, click Close again to complete the process. Next time you double-click Word 97 documents in Explorer, they should open up in Word 97.

û Belinda Taylor

Issue: June 1998

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