All you need to know about files and folders

Q Just a quick suggestion to go with your answer to "Determining folder sizes" (February 98, p158). There is a great little shareware tool called TreeSize, which shows the contents of a folder and the sizes of all its subfolders. It can be found using most search engines.

û Daniel McMillan

Neville Clarkson adds: TreeSize Professional provides much more information about folders than the default Windows 95 functions. TreeSize tells you which folders are hogging the most disk space, plus numerous other details such as the date files were last accessed. Information can be sorted and filtered, and results can be displayed in bar or pie charts. ItÆs even possible to export data to a text file or spreadsheet.

TreeSize Professional costs $US30 and you will find it on our cover CD. For more details, see

Category: Win95
Issue: May 1998

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