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My First Store
My First Store
Following on from its success with Eziwebsite, AWP has laumched My First Store, the ideal product for the firt-time on line store owner. Features include:
  • Enter categories, products and images - also incorporates image resizer which prepares thumbnails and larger images for publication
  • Capable of handling 25 categories (without subcategories), with a recommended maximum of 500 products
  • Include short and detailed descriptions for products Active and inactive states for products and categories
  • Drag and drop products into categories
  • Manage multiple Web sites (additional cost per Web site)
  • Manual sorting of products and categories
  • Preview site as you design and build
  • Easily view and import customer orders

Download and run the setup file to install My First Store on your computer.

Download File


File size

Click on the link above to download the file

File details
Author/supplier: Australian Windows Publishing (AWP)

Web site:

Operating system: Windows 95/98/NT4

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