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This month, PC World features Classic Literature e-books in simple text format. Unlike many other electronic books (or 'e-books') which require special viewers, these files can be opened in any text or word processing program. The e-books are in plain text format which will often display in Courier font when opened, but it may be worthwhile using a word processor to change the text to a friendlier font such as Times Roman. Using a word processor will also make it easier to track down passages to assist with assignments or study.

Special note: If you simply click the links below, the file will be displayed in your browser. Since the books are typically over 100 pages in length you may want to open the file directly from the CD into a word processor. The files are located in the d:/ebooks folder of this CD (or click here to view the contents of the folder)

These electronic books are free of charge to PC World readers and are provided with permission by Project Gutenberg, which can be found at Please respect the copyright requests included within each file.

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