A complete listing of programs on this CD.

Readme and disclaimer
Important information about using this CD.

Installing files
If you are new to installing files, see this Help Screen file for a quick overview.

Virus Warnings
Worried about viruses? See these tips.

Bugs and fixes
If your software is crashing or misbehaving, maybe its a bug.


Here you will find the latest browsers inlcuding Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera. Most of these packages also contain options to install mail programs, plugins and other browser tools.
Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 1

This version of Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 1 is for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 and includes add on components such as Outlook Express.

To install IE5.5, please close this browser and run the file CDSETUP.EXE from the e:/browsers/ie55/ directory of this CD (where "e" is your CD drive.)

Important notes to read before installing IE5.5: The installation of Internet Explorer 5.5 will make substantial changes to your system - as with any program, back up any crucial files or settings before proceeding. If you are unsure of the consequences arising from the installation of IE5.5, then please seek professional assistance. The program is supplied "as is" by Microsoft. PC World cannot accept any responsibility for any changes or damage caused by this program (or any other content on this CD). Also see Using this CD and disclaimer.

Home page: installing Internet Explorer will change your home page. If you wish to keep your current page, then simply record the current home page address. You will find this under Tools - Internet Options (select the General Tab). To change the home page after the installation is finished, return to the same section, enter your preferred site and click Apply. More information can be found in the IE5.5 help files - simply search for the keywords 'Home Page'. After installation, an additional PC World bookmark will appear in your Favorites menu. You can use this to quickly access the PC World Web site. To remove the bookmark, right click on it and select Delete from the pop-up menu.

Netscape 6

Netscape 6 for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000
This version of Netscape 6 is for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 and includes add on components such as AOL instant messenger, email and multimedia software. To setup Netscape 6 for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000, please run the file N6Setup.exe from e:/browsers/netscape/ directory of this CD (where "e" is your CD drive).

Opera 5.02
This version of Opera 5.02 is for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 and includes Java-enabled components. Note that Opera is adware - it is free but advertising will be dispayed. Registering the browser will remove the ads.

To setup Opera 5.02, please run the file ow502e32j.exe from e:/browsers/opera/ directory of this CD (where "e" is your CD drive).

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Note: you must be connected to the internet before clicking the links in this column.