Display a Worksheet Name

Q: Can i create a formula to display the name of the worksheet? I'm familiar with Excel's CELL() function, but it shows the workbook's full path.

Ken Fernandez

A: When you print a worksheet, you might want the sheet's name displayed in a cell in case you need to refer to the original sheet. Oddly, Excel does not offer a function that displays the sheet's name. As you noted, the CELL() function comes close. The formula =CELL("filename") displays the workbook's full path, along with the worksheet name.

The actual string "filename" is the required parameter.

For example, this formula might return something like C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\[Budget.xls]Sheet2. Getting Excel to return only the sheet name requires a more complex formula that strips off everything except the name of the sheet:


Issue: July 2000

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