Money makes a hash of balances

Q I am using Windows 3.1 on my notebook. MS Money displays only "######" in the balance column. The manual states that this can be corrected by enlarging the window. The MS Money window is, however, already full screen size. How can I correct this problem?

û Alwyn Francis

A When MS Money displays hashes in the Payment, Deposit or Balance fields of the Account Register (which is called the Account Book in versions prior to 4.0), or in a report, it may be because the window is too small to display the amount properly. However, according to information from Microsoft, numbers larger than 999,999.99 can also display as hashes when Windows is running at a screen resolution of 640 x 480, or if you are using large fonts for the screen display.

YouÆve already taken the first step towards correcting the problem, which is to maximise the Account Register/Account Book window. If the problem persists even after youÆve done this, choose ToolsûOptionsûGeneral from MoneyÆs menu bar, and check that the Font Size is set to Standard in the Display area. If it is set to Large, click the Standard option. If the hashes still appear, you may need to reduce the resolution of your screen display. To do this, exit Money and open the Main window in Program Manager. Double-click the Windows Setup icon, choose OptionsûChange System Settings, select a new resolution from the Display box and click the OK button. Next time you run Money you should have proper numbers instead of hashes.

û Belinda Taylor

Issue: September 1998

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