Getting answers on the Net

Getting answers on the Net
The Net contains a wealth of spreadsheet information, but you need to know where to find it. A good place to start is a very useful spreadsheet FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) page located at It contains links to spreadsheet newsgroups, mailing lists, and dozens of official and unofficial Web pages.

Type an Excel question in Microsoft's technical support page and receive answers from the company's Knowledge Base and troubleshooting wizards

The Usenet newsgroup comp.apps.spreadsheets covers all spreadsheets, but Microsoft has its own news server that contains several newsgroups on Excel. The Microsoft newsgroups are not part of Usenet, so you need to set up your news software to access the server located at, then issue a command to refresh the list of newsgroups.
The messages on newsgroups have a limited life span, so you should become familiar with Deja News (, an excellent resource that contains a searchable archive of newsgroup posts.
- John Walkenbach

Category: Spreadsheet
Issue: Apr 1998

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