Reorder manually numbered items

When you insert or delete an item in a numbered list, Word automatically puts the list in the correct order and renumbers the remaining items -- that is, if you created the list using the Numbering icon or while the Automatic Numbered Lists feature was turned on. If you typed the numbers in manually, or if you open a document created with another program, it can be a real chore to edit the numbers when you move or delete paragraphs or insert new ones.
But as long as each numbered item is a single paragraph, there's an easy two-step way to accomplish this seemingly tough job. This technique won't renumber the paragraphs, but it will reorganise them in the correct order based on the numbers that are there.
1. Highlight the entire list.
2. Select Table--Sort Text (select Table--Sort in Word 97), then click OK in the Sort Text dialogue box without altering any of the settings in the dialogue box.
- George Campbell

Category: Word processing
Issue: Nov 1997
Pages: 174

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