Manage your multimedia madness

Looking for a simple tool to manage image, sound and video files? Try Multimedia Xplorer, a $US20 shareware utility from Moon Software. You can download it from Dave Central Software Archive ( ), from Moon Software ( ).
Multimedia Xplorer's file manager, viewers, batch converter and slide-show player are all worthwhile. But its file finder, Multimedia Detective, takes the prize. Just tell it where you want it to search (hard disk, CD-ROM drive or Zip drive), and Multimedia Detective compiles a complete list of files grouped by media category, including video clips, sounds, MIDI music and images. Click any file in the list, and Multimedia Xplorer plays the media clip or displays the images.

Multimedia Xplorer makes finding and playing any of your multimedia files a snap

- Richard Jantz

Category: Multimedia
Issue: Oct 1997
Pages: 175

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