Changing Dial Up properties

I should firstly say that your Help Screen is excellent and one of the main reasons for me purchasing PC World. The articles are great and I have had great benefits from some of the suggestions.
With regard to the question of multiple Win95 Internet providers, I don't think that Win95 does support more than one Internet provider. Win95 "Make new Connection" (in the Dial Up Networking module) doesn't alter the TCP/IP settings for individual providers. It does give you a new number and that sort of thing, but it doesn't actually alter the TCP/IP settings within the registry. So what happens is that you actually dial any service provider using the same set of TCP/IP settings, thus making the new connection useless.
I struggled for ages trying to figure out why Win95 couldn't have two service providers working correctly; then I discovered NetSwitch, a program specifically designed to combat the problems Win95 poses.
I got this shareware program from TuCows. It is shareware, for the readers that want to know.
I hope this clarifies the issue your reader was concerned about, and if I am wrong on all of this please let me know.
- DC Hawkins

D C, after you've created a new Dial Up Networking connection, you have to right-click on the icon and select Properties. You can then change all the configuration details to those appropriate for your service provider.
It's a rather strange implementation, but it's very consistent throughout Windows 95. Any time you want to fiddle with the settings of some shortcut, program, device or icon, just right click, select Properties and fiddle away.
Thanks for recommending Netswitch. For the benefit of other readers, TuCows is a shareware site with a fast local mirror at
- Neale Morison

Category: Internet
Issue: Nov 1996
Pages: 158

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