Link formulas to Web data in Quattro Pro 7.0

Say you have a worksheet that does fancy calculations based on the AMEX computer stock index. Every day, you look up a value on the Web and enter it into your worksheet. Quattro Pro 7.0 can do this for you automatically, thanks to its ability to link cell formulas to Web URLs.
To try this out, fire up your Web browser and go to the Holt Stock Report's current data page (http://metro.turnpike .net/holt/curr.htm). Scroll the page, and count down the lines of text (ignore the graphics) until you find the line containing the statistic you want. On the day I created this example, the AMEX Computer Index was on the 38th row.
Now launch Quattro Pro 7.0 and enter the following formula:
A dialogue box tells you that Quattro Pro is connecting to the Web site to get the data; then a value appears in the cell (see figure). If it's not the one you want, compare the results with what you see in your Web browser, and adjust the column letter and row number until you locate the desired cell address. After a little experimentation, you'll be able to pluck items out of just about any Web page.
Whenever you reopen this file, Quattro Pro refreshes the link with today's value from the Web page, provided you've got a live Internet connection. (You can also refresh it by selecting Edit--Links--Refresh Links and then double-clicking the http:// link in the Refresh Links dialogue box.)
This is pretty cool, except that Web pages are changeable beasts: the cell address that gives you the AMEX Computer Index today may yield pork bellies tomorrow. But Quattro Pro 7.0 is definitely a harbinger of things to come on the Web.
- Richard Scoville

Download Web data automatically into your Quattro Pro 7.0 worksheet with linking formulas

Category: Spreadsheet, Internet
Issue: Apr 1997
Pages: 174-176

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