Get centred

Okay, you've written a great letter -- but it's just a few paragraphs and looks really ugly on the page. You need to centre it vertically to make it look good. You could hit <Enter> a few times, but there's a better way. All current word processors let you centre text on a page before or after you create the document:
· Word 6 and 7 Select File--Page Setup, then click the Layout tab. Click the Vertical Alignment drop-down list and choose Center. Click OK to finish the job.
· WordPerfect 6.1 and 7 Select Format--Page--Center. In the Center Page(s) dialogue box, choose one of the available options (Current page works for one-page documents), then click OK.
· Word Pro 96 Use the Page Properties InfoBox to centre pages vertically. Right-click the page, then select Page Properties from the pop-up menu. Click the Misc tab in the InfoBox, then click the centre button in the Vertical Alignment group of buttons.
- George Campbell

Vertically centre a page in WordPro 96 by using the Page Layout Infobox (see circled button)

Category: Word processing
Issue: Apr 1997
Pages: 170

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