More installing IDE CD-ROM drives under Linux

You are right that some newish CD-drives are not supported by Linux, and I think, though I'm not too sure, that 4x and up are not recognised by Linux. About that particular distribution that comes with "The Complete Linux Kit" I managed to install it from a single speed CD, and had to copy all the files to my hard drive before installing it from the HDD.
Malcolm Ward could have done the same thing until he had to put it the source directory. He should have typed /dev/hda/linux (if the HDD is not partitioned) or /dev/hda1/linux (if it is partitioned) instead of C\linux. Linux can share a partition happily with DOS but I've never tried it to see how it works. I normally partition the hard drive and reserve one for linux, formatted by Linux setup. Another thing is Windows 95 doesn't mind sharing a system with Linux at all. Keep up the good work.
- Minh Nguyen

Category: Hardware
Issue: Oct 1996
Pages: 180

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