Forcing new lines in workbook cells

How do I force Excel to start a new line inside a cell? I have a spreadsheet where the text wraps inside a cell, but I cannot get it to start a new line inside the cell. The cells in the spreadsheet contain instructions for other people for carrying out work. For various reasons (such as emphasising various instructions) I wish to have the text start on a new line inside a cell.
- Lindsay Cameron

Normally when you press the <Enter> key you go to the next cell. If you press <Alt> and the <Enter> key a new line is started within the cell. As a general rule for Microsoft products you can change the properties of the <Enter> key by holding down either the <Shift>, <Ctrl> or <Alt> keys, eg in Word you can press <Ctrl> and <Enter> to insert a page break and <Shift> and <Enter> to start a new line without starting a new paragraph.
- Roy Chambers

Category: Spreadsheet
Issue: Mar 1997
Pages: 163

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