Only for the brave

HereÆs a top secret tip from my mole at Apple. The Mac performs a RAM test every time it starts up ù very handy if youÆve just installed some new RAM or if your RAM is a bit suspect, but not really necessary if all is well with your computer. WhatÆs more, this RAM check takes longer the more RAM you have ù I have 192MB, which gives me a fair amount of time for quiet contemplation when starting up, even with a G3. If you have a lot of RAM and your Mac is fairly stable, you can save yourself this time-wasting routine by switching off the RAM test: holding down the Command and Option keys, open the Memory control panel. A secret menu appears, with the option to turn off Startup Memory Tests.

Warning: only do this if you are very sure of the stability of your RAM, and donÆt do it at all if you have a Mac clone ù some features of Mac OS 8.5 simply arenÆt supported on even the best clones, and this is one such feature.

Caption: The Memory control panel, including the forbidden Startup Tests option

- Matthew JC Powell

Category: mac, bugs and fixes
Issue: May 1999

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