Internet hassles

Q I share my computer with four other people, so I make a lot of use of the Internet Config control panel. I recently upgraded to Mac OS 8.5, and now this doesnÆt work. When we try to switch between users, we get a message that says "To open the Internet control panel, you must install Internet Config Extension version 2.0 or later". This is the version that Mac OS 8.5 installed, so why canÆt the machine see it?

- Bill Tourney

A Most likely, the answer is that you or someone else using your computer has installed a new Web browser since you upgraded your OS. Most Web browsers (even the current versions) install their own version of Internet Config, which is usually older than the one that comes with the OS. Run the Mac OS 8.5 installer, and select Custom Install from the pull-down menu. From the resultant list, select only the Internet control panel. This will overwrite any earlier versions that your browsers have installed.

- Matthew JC Powell

Category: mac
Issue: May 1999

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