Outlook 98/97 archive jive

When you archive your precious messages in an e-mail program, you expect them to be there later, when you need them. But if you use Microsoft's Outlook 98 or 97 and its Archive or AutoArchive feature, you may want to double-check that they're still around. The company recently acknowledged that both versions of its e-mail/PIM program can lose messages if the computer should crash, reboot, lose power, or otherwise expire while Outlook is moving them to the archive file. As we went to press, Microsoft was about to post a 51MB fix that prevents system failures during the archiving process. Until then, the company suggests you avoid Archive and AutoArchive. For details on the fix and a link to the patch, see officeupdate.microsoft.com/downloaddetails/arch98en.htm.

- Scott Spanbauer

Category:bugs and fixes
Issue: June 1999

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